

  • SmartGit 7.2 preview 10

    SmartGit 7.2 preview 10 polishes some features and fixes some bugs.

  • SmartGit 7.2 preview 9

    SmartGit 7.2 preview 9 polishes some features and fixes some bugs.

  • SmartGit 7.2 preview 8

    SmartGit 7.2 preview 8 finally makes the Journal useful by offering quick and easy branch-related commands.

  • SmartGit 7.2 preview 7

    SmartGit 7.2 preview 7 comes with a couple of improvements and fixes:

  • SmartGit 7.2 preview 6

    SmartGit 7.2 preview 6 comes with a couple of improvements:

  • SmartGit 7.2 preview 5

    SmartGit 7.2 preview 5 comes with a couple of new features:

  • SmartGit 7.1.3

    This bug fix release fixes a few smaller bugs. We recommend to update.

  • SmartGit 7.2 preview 4

    SmartGit 7.2 preview 4 comes with a couple of improvements and a few fixes.

  • SmartGit 7.2 preview 3

    SmartGit 7.2 preview 3 comes with a couple of new features:

  • SmartSynchronize 3.4.5 released

    SmartSynchronize 3.4.5 has been released.

  • SmartGit 7.2 preview 2

    SmartGit 7.2 preview 2 comes with a couple of new features:

  • SmartGit 7.1.2

    This bug fix release fixes a couple of bugs. We recommend to update.

  • SmartGit 7.2 preview started

    The first public build of SmartGit 7.2 is available for download.

  • SmartGit 7.1.1

    This bug fix release mostly fixes a couple of bugs, especially some Bitbucket and GitHub related ones. We recommend to update.

  • SmartGit 7.1 released!

    We are proud to announce the official release of SmartGit 7.1. The most important new features are support for HiDPI screens, advanced JIRA integration, support for Git-LFS and OAuth support for GitHub and BitBucket. Check out What’s New for a more detailed list of improvements in version 7.1.

  • SmartGit 7.0.5

    This release fixes a few smaller bugs. We recommend to update.

  • SmartGit 7.0.4

    This release mostly fixes a couple of bugs and adds BitBucket Server 4.0 support. We recommend to update.

  • SmartGit 7.0.3

    This release mostly fixes a couple of bugs. We recommend to update.

  • SmartGit 7.1 preview started

    The first public build of SmartGit 7.1 is available for download.

  • SmartGit 7.0.1

    This release mostly fixes a couple of bugs. We recommend to update.

  • Edit "Open Git-Shell" default external tool for SmartGit 7

    The default external tool “Open Git-Shell” from SmartGit 6.5 does not work any more with the Git shipped with SmartGit 7 because the Git directory structure has changed. You can fix this yourself by editing this external tool in SmartGit’s preferences:

  • Silent SmartSVN Installation

    The SmartSVN Windows installer uses InnoSetup. The command line options that can be passed to setup.exe are listed in the InnoSetup documentation.

  • SmartGit 7 released!

    We are proud to announce the official release of SmartGit 7. The most important new features are BitBucket and Atlassian Stash support, Git-Lab hosting provider, improved Interactive Rebase and completely reworked Mercurial integration with bookmark support. Check out What’s New for a more detailed list of improvements in version 7.

  • SmartGit 7 rc 3

    The 3rd release candidate for the upcoming SmartGit 7 is available.

  • SmartGit 7 rc 2

    The 2nd release candidate for the upcoming SmartGit 7 is available.