- Gwenn Guihal: I have searched for a long time : The best SVN client for MacOs is SmartSVN (free furthermore) (as easy as Tortoise)
- Seth Carstens: we use SmartSVN and SmartGIT. Have used them for years now after a Tortoise-SVN update corrupted my local SVN files
- Russell Heimlich: SmartSVN is awesome. And cross platform.
- Richard Brown: Oddly enough I’m liking the Git client SmartGit on Windows. My favorite Mac client Towers could learn a couple of things from it.
- Stuart Thompson: I am a long time GiT command line user but recently started SmartGit. Doesn’t solve all of my problems, but in the simple cases it’s great.
- Dan Clarke: Very impressed with the SmartGit Windows Git client. Think this might have moved me away from Git Extensions!
- Amir-abbas Abdolali: I have github too but smartgit has more features.
- Jered: Nice! Give SmartGit a look if you’re in need a decent GUI. Windows version works great, at least.
- Peter Mescalchin: SmartGit 3.0.8 bug fix released - really enjoying this as a frontend GUI to Git when the command line won’t cut it
- Scott Jehl: +1 for SmartGit - works well. I tend to use Git from cmd line, but the GUI can be faster in certain workflows, for me
- darrenmothersele.com: just started using SmartGit - it really does make merging fun!