A new preview build for SmartGit 24.1 is available for download.

New Features, Improvements

Fixed Bugs

  • Changes view:
    • Unified view: selection-related operations should only be available if reasonable for the selected “side” type
    • internal error when trying to stage “left” block at line 0
    • internal error for Unstage Selection for last block in unified diff view
  • Log Graph (and Commits view):
    • for .mailmap lines containing <>, mapping is not applied
    • for email-only .mailmap lines, the original Author name is lost
  • Refresh: possible internal error if mailmap.file contains an invalid path
  • Standard window:
    • adding, e.g., Reset Advanced to toolbar fails for “Basic” configuration
  • Linux, several text input fields:
    • internal error undoing changes after having typed Chinese characters with Pinyin

Other Noteworthy Changes

  • Syntax:
    • Verilog: add support for more literal formats
  • Text editors:
    • Find and Replace: should replace the initial selection, too (if matching)
    • Move/Select word: added low-level property styledtext.wordCaretMovementType to customize the behavior; the _ will be treated as word-character, e.g. also for double-click
  • Standard window:
    • Commit view:
      • for empty repository, show default branch name (to which the first commit will go)
      • file completion: the currently selected file will be preselected (if possible)