• Nathanael Jones: Do you use SmartGit? IMHO, it changes the equation…
  • Charles Roper: Git + The Index + SmartGit + The Index Editor = Joy.
  • mjwills: When I use a Git GUI I use SmartGit
  • Tim Dams: Thankyou SmartGit for being such an incredible easy to use tool!
  • David Arno: Discovering that SmartGit is called smart for a reason: it gives you all the power of git whilst hiding away all the brainless crap
  • Michael Robinson: I love SmartGit, and SmartGit loves me.
  • James McKay: If you want a decent Git GUI, SmartGit leaves all the others standing. It also supports Mercurial. http://www.syntevo.com/smartgit/index …
  • Joshua Rieken: Pleasantly surprised with SmartGit on Windows.