Compatibility with OS X 10.7 (Lion)
We’ve done a quick test of our applications with Mac OS X 10.7 (“Lion”). In contrast with previous versions, Mac OS X 10.7 ships without Java preinstalled. But when starting a Java application (like SmartGit or SmartSVN), Java will be automatically downloaded and installed from Apple.
SmartSVN 6.6.8
We have released a new bug-fix release for SmartSVN 6.6. A detailed list of changes can be found here.
SmartGit 2.1 alpha
For SmartGit, our graphical Git client, the first alpha build for the upcoming version 2.1 is available. The most important new feature is advanced Subversion (SVN) support (detailed change log).
SmartGit 2.0.5
This release contains important bug-fixes and a couple of smaller improvements (detailed change log). We recommend to update.
SmartCVS 7.1.5
We released a new bug fix for SmartCVS 7.1. It fixes an internal error when trying to compare files which are located in the repository root.
SmartSVN 6.6.7
We have released a new bug-fix release for SmartSVN 6.6. A detailed list of changes can be found here.
SmartSVN 6.6.5
We have released a new bug-fix release for SmartSVN 6.6. A detailed list of changes can be found here.
SmartGit: why Synchronize pushes and then pulls?
A couple of SmartGit users wondered why the Synchronize command first pushes, then pulls and not doing the reverse order.
SmartGit 2.0.4
This release mainly contains bug-fixes and a couple of smaller improvements (detailed change log).
Use SmartGit/SmartSVN with REALbasic
Thomas Tempelmann has documented on his website how to configure our Git client SmartGit or our Subversion (SVN) client SmartSVN to manage REALbasic projects.
SmartGit 2.1 preview
For SmartGit, our graphical Git client, the first public preview build for the upcoming version 2.1 is available. The most important new feature is advanced Subversion (SVN) support (detailed change log).
SmartCVS 7.1.4
We released a new bug fix for SmartCVS 7.1. It only contains bug-fixes and we recommend to update for anyone.
SmartSVN - cleaning up subtree mergeinfo
When merging, a common source of confusion are property-only modifications of various files and/or directories which have not actually been affected by the merged commits. Usually, these are modifications only in the svn:mergeinfo property of the respective entries. Why does that happen and how can this be resolved?
SmartGit 2.0.3
This release only fixes bugs (detailed change log).
A SmartSVN Review
In his article series, David Wank has reviewed SmartSVN on helpspa.com.
SmartSVN 6.6.4
We have released a new bug-fix release for SmartSVN 6.6. A detailed list of changes can be found here.
SmartGit 2.0.2
This release mainly fixes bugs (detailed change log).
SmartGit 2.0.1
This release mainly fixes bugs (detailed change log).
SmartGit 2 released!
We are proud to announce the official release of SmartGit 2. SmartGit is a graphical front-end for the distributed version control system Git and runs on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.
SmartSVN 6.6.3
We have released a new bug-fix release for SmartSVN 6.6. A detailed list of changes can be found here.
SmartGit 2 alpha
For SmartGit, our graphical Git client, the first public preview build for the upcoming version 2 is available. The most important new features and improvements are (detailed change log):
SmartGit 1.5.7
This release fixes bugs and adds a few minor improvements (detailed change log).
SmartSynchronize 3.2.1
We have released a bug-fix release for our file and directory compare tool SmartSynchronize. A detailed list of changes can be found here.
Shelves in SmartSVN
“Shelves” can be helpful in various situations to “save” the changes of your working copy away for later application. In his article, Mark Phippard points out five common scenarios:
Hide menu items in SmartSVN
To hide SmartSVN, the default plug-in hideMenuItems.jar is responsible. This means, that this tip only works with SmartSVN Professional or Enterprise which can launch plug-ins. If not already available, SmartSVN will create the file menuItemsToHide.config in its settings directory on application start and fill it with all known menu item IDs: