SmartGit 3 preview build 11
For SmartGit, our graphical Git client, a new preview build for the upcoming version 3 is available. You are welcome to give it a try!
SmartGit 3 preview build 10
For SmartGit, our graphical Git client, a new preview build for the upcoming version 3 is available. You are welcome to give it a try!
SmartGit 2.1.7
SmartGit 3 preview build 9
For SmartGit, our graphical Git client, a new preview build for the upcoming version 3 is available. You are welcome to give it a try!
SmartGit 3 preview build 8
For SmartGit, our graphical Git client, a new preview build for the upcoming version 3 is available. You are welcome to give it a try!
SmartGit 3 preview build 7
For SmartGit, our graphical Git client, a new preview build for the upcoming version 3 is available. You are welcome to give it a try!
SmartGit 3 preview build 6
For SmartGit, our graphical Git client, a new preview build for the upcoming version 3 is available. You are welcome to give it a try!
SmartSVN 6.6.11
We have released a new bug-fix release for SmartSVN 6.6. A detailed list of changes can be found here.
SmartGit 3 preview build 5
For SmartGit, our graphical Git client, a new preview build for the upcoming version 3 is available. You are welcome to give it a try!
SmartGit 2.1.5
SmartSVN 6.6.10
We have released a new bug-fix release for SmartSVN 6.6 which addresses problems when accessing SVN 1.7 servers and resolves a couple of other problems. A detailed list of changes can be found here.
SmartGit 3 preview build 4
For SmartGit, our graphical Git client, a new preview build for the upcoming version 3 is available. The most important new features is experimental Mercurial support. You are welcome to give it a try!
SmartGit 3 preview build 3
For SmartGit, our graphical Git client, a new preview build for the upcoming version 3 is available. You are welcome to give it a try!
SmartGit 2.1.4
SmartGit 2.1.3
SmartGit 2.1.2
SmartGit 2.1.1
SmartGit 3 preview build 2
For SmartGit, our graphical Git client, a new preview build for the upcoming version 3 is available. You are welcome to give it a try!
Subversion 1.7 support
Subversion 1.7 has been released on Oct, 11th and comes with a completely new Centralized Metadata Storage which promises significantly increased performance for most SVN operations.
SmartGit 3 preview
For SmartGit, our graphical Git client, the first public preview build for the upcoming version 3 is available. The most important changes are the use of a different GUI library to make SmartGit look native (SWT instead of AWT/Swing) and performance improvements (detailed change log).
SmartGit 2.1 released!
We are proud to announce the official release of SmartGit 2.1. SmartGit is a graphical front-end for the distributed version control system Git and runs on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.
SmartGit 2.0.7
This release contains only bug-fixes (detailed change log).
SmartGit 2.1 Release Candidate
The first release candiate for the upcoming version 2.1 of SmartGit is available. SmartGit 2.1 significantly improves the Subversion (SVN) support (detailed change log).
SmartSVN 6.6.9
We have released a new bug-fix release for SmartSVN 6.6. The most important change is the file watcher fix for Mac OS X 10.7. A detailed list of changes can be found here.
SmartGit 2.0.6
This release contains a bug-fix related to non-native line separators and Mac OS X 10.7 compatibility (detailed change log).