Dispelling concerns about SmartGit's automatic connection setup to your GitHub, Bitbucket or GitLab account
We have been contacted by a user who has concerns about the link setup procedure between SmartGit and Bitbucket (Preferences, Hosting Providers). While the procedure is actually inscrutable on first glance, following it step-by-step we can see that it’s safe with respect to the protection of your Bitbucket account:
SmartGit 19.1 preview 7
This SmartGit 19.1 preview comes with further improvements and a few bugfixes.
SmartSVN 12 preview 2
This SmartSVN 12 preview build comes with a more modern SSH library, improves the dark theme on macOS 10.14 and Linux, and comes with the official SVN 1.12.0 binaries.
File Compare: scroll between changes (Windows 10)
In SmartGit, SmartSVN and SmartSynchronize you can easily scroll from change to change by using the mouse wheel over the area between the left and right file content views.
SmartGit 18.2.8
This release fixes a few bugs, but comes with Git 2.21.0. We recommend to update - either automatically or by using Help Check for Latest Build or from the links below (using Help Check for New Version might show an internal error). -
SmartSynchronize 4 preview 7
A new preview release for the upcoming SmartSynchronize 4 is available.
SmartGit 19.1 preview 6
This SmartGit 19.1 preview comes with loads of improvements, e.g. dark system theme for macOS 10.14, and a couple of bugfixes.
SmartSVN 11.0.2 released
This release fixes a couple of bugs. We recommend to update.
Install a .deb bundle
You can install a Debian bundle using
$ sudo dpkg -i <deb-file>
If some dependencies are unmet like when installing SmartGit or SmartSVN, you can install them as well using$ sudo apt --fix-broken install
SmartSVN fails to load on Fedora 30
If SmartSVN fails to load apr-1 on Fedora 30, it most likely is caused by the removal of libcrypt.so.1. To fix, you need to install the libxcrypt-compat bundle:
sudo yum install libxcrypt-compat
SmartGit 19.1 preview 5
This SmartGit 19.1 preview comes with loads of improvements, e.g. state-banner with state-specific commands, unified Details and Commit Message view, and a couple of bugfixes.
SmartGit 19.1 preview 4
This SmartGit 19.1 preview comes with loads of improvements, and a couple of bugfixes.
SmartGit 18.2.7
This release fixes a couple of bugs. We recommend to update - either automatically or from the links below (using Help Check for New Version might show an internal error). -
SmartSVN 12 preview started
The first public build of SmartSVN 12 is available for download.
Log vs. Working Tree Window
From time to time people ask us why we don’t implement the Log into the Working Tree window. The answer is: we have already done that the reverse way in version 18.2. Here we have added all working tree features from the main window (now called “Working Tree window”) which do not result in (conceptual) problems. Why is the old “main window” still there? Mainly, because it has been there since ever and contains certain functionality which (i) simply does not fit into the new Log window but (ii) which can’t be removed to not frustrate existing users. In short, these are
SmartGit 19.1 preview 3
This SmartGit 19.1 preview comes with loads of improvements, e.g. a more easy to understand work-flow for the Modify or Split Commit command.
SmartSynchronize 4 preview 5
A new preview release for the upcoming SmartSynchronize 4 is available.
SmartGit 19.1 preview 2
This SmartGit 19.1 preview build improves the dark theme on Windows 10 and Linux, adds experimental trash support on Linux and otherwise continues to improve SmartGit and fix bugs.
SmartGit 19.1 preview started
The first public build of SmartGit 19.1 is available for download.
SmartGit 18.2.6
This release fixes a couple of bugs. We recommend to update.
SmartSynchronize 4 preview 4
A new preview release for the upcoming SmartSynchronize 4 is available.
SmartGit 18.2.5
This release fixes a couple of bugs. We recommend to update.
SmartSynchronize 4 preview 3
A new preview release for the upcoming SmartSynchronize 4 is available.
SmartGit 18.2.4
This release fixes a couple of bugs. We recommend to update.
SmartGit 18.2 does not start on (some) Linux systems
If SmartGit 18.2 does not start on your Linux while SmartGit 18.1 worked fine, the reason might be that 18.1 used GTK2 and 18.2 uses GTK3. Use following instructions to let SmartGit 18.2 use GTK2, too: